티스토리 뷰
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# Sample Mon Configuration File
# mon.cf,v 1.1
# This mon.cf file relies on these monitors and alerts:
# jabber.alert (jabber_alert.pl)
# jabber.monitor
# dns.alert
# Available at http://www.jabberdoc.org/tools
alertdir = /etc/mon/alert.d
mondir = /etc/mon/mon.d
logdir = /var/log/mon.d
dtlogfile = /var/log/mon.d/dt.log
dtlogging = yes
statedir = /var/lib/mon.d
serverport = 2583
trapport = 2583
maxprocs = 20
histlength = 100
randstart = 60s
# define groups of hosts to monitor
hostgroup local_net ip.to.local.gateway
hostgroup boxes ip.of.a.server
hostgroup webservers www.domain1.com www.domain2.com www.domain3.com
hostgroup jabberservers jabber.domain1.com
hostgroup nameservers ns1.domain1.com ns1.domain2.com
hostgroup emailservers mail.domain1.com
# Check every minute if local connection is up.
# Log alert to log file if connection is down.
# Log alert every 2 hours if connection remains down.
watch local_net
service Ping_Check
interval 1m
monitor fping.monitor -r 5 -t 2000
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 1
alertevery 2h
alert file.alert /var/log/mon.d/ping_check.log
# Ping server every 2 minutes, alert only if local_net is up.
# Note the "depend" on "local_net:Ping_Check" above. If this
# test fails, "watch boxes" will not send an alert. This
# prevents "watch boxes" from sending alerts because the
# local connection is down.
watch boxes
service Ping_Check
interval 2m
monitor fping.monitor -r 5 -t 2000
depend local_net:Ping_Check
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 1
alertevery 2h
alert jabber.alert -e user@jabber.domain4.com -n user@jabber.domain4.com -o 5223 -k 1 -w mypasswd
# Test webservers (HTTP GET) every 5 minutes.
# Note that all below entries have a dependency on
# "boxes:Ping_Check" above. Thus if the entire box
# goes down, alerts below are suppressed.
# Note also that tests below require 2 consecutive
# failures before an alert is sent.
watch webservers
service HTTP_Server_Check
interval 5m
monitor http.monitor -p 80 -t 30
depend boxes:Ping_Check
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 2
alertevery 2h
alert mail.alert user@domain4.com
alert jabber.alert -e user@jabber.domain4.com -n user@jabber.domain4.com -o 5223 -k 1 -w mypasswd
# Test Jabber Server
watch jabberservers
service Jabberd_Server_Check
interval 5m
monitor jabber.monitor -p 5222
depend boxes:Ping_Check
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 2
alertevery 2h
alert mail.alert user@domain4.com
alert jabber.alert -e user@jabber.domain4.com -n user@jabber.domain4.com -o 5223 -k 1 -w mypasswd
# Test nameservers.
# Note that the SRV records are checked for
# for the jabber server. This check requires
# the modified dns.monitor. See above.
watch nameservers
service DNS_Record_Check
interval 5m
monitor dns.monitor -caching_only \
-query www.domain1.com:A \
-query www.domain2.com:A \
-query www.domain3.com:A \
-query _jabber._tcp.jabber.domain1.com:SRV \
-query _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.domain1.com:SRV \
-query _xmpp-server._tcp.jabber.domain1.com:SRV
depend boxes:Ping_Check
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 2
alertevery 2h
alert mail.alert user@domain4.com
alert jabber.alert -e user@jabber.domain4.com -n user@jabber.domain4.com -o 5223 -k 1 -w mypasswd
# Test email servers.
watch emailservers
service POP_Server_Check
interval 5m
monitor pop3.monitor
depend boxes:Ping_Check
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 2
alertevery 2h
alert mail.alert user@domain4.com
alert jabber.alert -e user@jabber.domain4.com -n user@jabber.domain4.com -o 5223 -k 1 -w mypasswd
service SMTP_Server_Check
interval 5m
monitor smtp.monitor
depend boxes:Ping_Check
period wd {Mon-Sun} hr {0am-24pm}
alertafter 2
alertevery 2h
alert mail.alert user@domain4.com
alert jabber.alert -e user@jabber.domain4.com -n user@jabber.domain4.com -o 5223 -k 1 -w mypasswd
# See http://search.cpan.org/~pryan/Period-1.20/Period.pm for notes on Time::Period
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